International Organizations

mother and child

Children Organizations

European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing Philosophy with Children (SOPHIA), the foundation established in 1993 on the initiative of Karel van der Leeuw which aims to encourage European cooperation by organizing educational projects, conferences, workshops and developing a European shared curriculum in the field of philosophy for children


Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) of Montclair State University (New York), the first university institute founded in 1969 dedicated to “philosophy for children”. Three aims are proposed: promotion of teacher training (through university courses and curricula), research and interaction with other associations and institutions working in the field of philosophy for children. We highlight the rich collection of websites relating to other institutions and organizations of “Children philosophy.”

The International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC), a body founded in 1985 which has the function of coordinating, training and research activities on “philosophy for children” at an international level with the aim of promoting concrete teaching programs

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) encourages and promotes the teaching of philosophy at an international level; after all, the philosophy inspired the very constitution of the institution (see in this regard: Patrice Vermeren, La philosophie saisie par l’UNESCO )

European Organizations

Akademie Kinder Philosophieren, a German training academy that sees philosophy as a cultural technique, similar to reading and writing, which can be learned and used by everyone and as a way of critical, creative and open thinking to find orientation, to solve problems independently and uncover prejudices


Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children (ACPC), Austrian center for the promotion of “philosophy for children” founded in 1985 after the introduction of “philosophy for children” in all Austrian schools (1982). The rich site of the center with bibliography and sitography on the subject should be noted

Centrum Kinderfilosofie Nederland, Dutch center active since 1989 of “philosophy for children”

Children and Youth Philosophers, Norwegian center dedicated to “philosophy for children” founded in 1997 with online resources on the subject

Fachstelle PmK der Fachhochschule Nordwest fhnw, a Swiss training institute in this field Filonenos.

Associacion ilosofía para niñ @ s de Asturias, a Spanish association that aims to spread “philosophy for children” as a tool for active and more meaningful learning

Philosophy para crianças. Associação Portuguesa de Ética e Filosofia Prática (APEFP), a Portuguese association that proposes study, research and training in the ethical and philosophical fields, with particular attention to philosophy for children


GrupIREF, the non-profit association of Catalonia that promotes the curriculum of “philosophy for children” (3-18 years) in an artistic sense and that organizes courses for teachers, supporting school projects in Spain

Institut de Pratiques Philosophique, French institute of philosophical practices founded by Oscar Brenifier, advocate of the return of philosophy to cities and the adoption of the “Socratic” method at school. On the site you will find downloadable texts by Brenifier

Philosophy Foundation, the second English association of “philosophy for children” founded in 2007

Proyecto Noria, Spanish educational and publishing project of lúdica philosophy

Schweizerische Dokumentationsstelle für Kinder – und Alltagsphilosophie, Swiss documentation center founded in 1987 which also offers specific training in this field

Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Inquiry and Reflection in Education (SAPERE), an English association founded in 1992 which aims to promote “philosophy for children” in schools by supporting disadvantaged children. The Philosophy for Children – P4C – Resources database is very useful and rich

American Organizations

Centro de investigaciones el programa international FILOSOFÍA para NIÑOS (CIFi.N), Argentine training center

Federación Mexicana de Filosofía para Niños, established in 1993 with the aim of safeguarding the quality and integrity with which the “Philosophy for Children” program is provided in Mexico

philosophy learning and teaching organization

Instituto de Filosofia e Educaçao para o pensar (IFEP)

North American Association for the Community of Inquiry (NAACI), an association focused on the “research community”, one of the “applications” of “philosophy for children”

La philosophie et les enfants (Université Laval), the website of the university curriculum of “philosophy for children” of the Canadian University of Laval

Philosophy for Children Alberta, the association founded in 2008 by prof. Rob Wilson within the Faculty of the Arts at the University of Alberta which aims in the wake of Lipman’s thought to promote P4C and develop critical thinking.

PLATO (Philosophy Learning a nd Teaching Organization), the independent US organization, initially promoted by the “Committee on Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy of the American Philosophical Association”, which trains teachers, supports university courses and supports “philosophy for children “. We point out in particular the section of the site: Teacher ToolKit Archive

University of Washington Center for Philosophy for Children, a center founded in 1996 that aims to introduce “philosophy for children” through the “Philosophers in the Schools” program. The site is characterized by the rich collection of websites, the ideas to help design teaching units and reports of texts on the subject.

Vancouver Institute of Philsophy for Children, directed and founded by Susan Gardner, with the aim of promoting a university curriculum of specific training and supporting schools in providing “philosophy for children” courses.